This hobby is super fb to cross all the day , differents yl and om, from differents departements,countys,etc's not expensive hi...!
So i try all the time to say hello or thank's for the qso in their languages.(if i can do it).
i love learning differents languages,but really it is hard sometimes...hi
so,you know , i explain in this small web site,witch i'm qrv all principal modes and i prefer the "CHARLIE WISKY" ...i'm not a high speed operator but i can catch callsigns at 28 to 39 wpm (good for expedition or contests)but i can transmit faster but can't codify the "CHARLIE
WISKY" in clear in French or other linguage at this speed...hi.....clear is around 20/25wpm
For me it is important,to try to understand someone else in a different language,and with "charlie wisky"it is more facil.
So to continue in this way,i discover the French L.S.F...inside my job.(are you interested ?) if yes,so go to this special world...LSF
Of course it's in French , but take around you more infos because you have more people around you to "making signs" with you, and would very happy to
teach you.
It is all the time i try to do it.
when I walk in Paris, both night and day,driving ma moto,my car,or my bus, I love looking around, surprised at particular times, sets of lights, boats on the river "Seine" and anything that might make me remember my passion for radio and everything that revolves around it ....
Hey...I am not a professional
of photo you know, but only a lover of instantaneous moments ...!
All my pictures were taken with my mobile phone hi ...yes a simple phone.
At the left side,there's the cathedral "notre dame de Paris", and in the right side the lights of quay
sant-Michel .
here is the same photo, but it was taken the in day contrary to what one might think... light in the lamp is just the sun ...!
I had to slow my speed up to make it...
hey hey still the same photo taken a few meters from the others.
this one also was made in the day, using the same
process as the previous one. shutter closes up, centered on the
What....? again ... yes, but now you know my tastes isn't it?
Here it's just that the sunrise behind the
cathedral "Notre Dame de Paris".
Into the action, especially in Paris, you must be very fast .... I Could catch somes abbreviations of "Q" code. I hope will make you smile .... here are the last of this year.
this is the one I prefer...
Almost to the date of birth of
But what with the REF?
The association "Network of French issuers", abbreviated "REF"
This association was founded in Paris in April 1925, she
incorporated into the French section of the International Amateur Radio Union "IARU", as decided by the first Congress of the International Amateur
Radio held in Paris from 14 to 19 April 1925.
Ho...I was forgetting our picture! ....someone could tell me which "DXCC would the plate?
tnx fer info...
More pictures are coming soon....